Buena Vista Police Department
Thank you for visiting the My-BV Police Department page. The men and women of the Buena Vista Police Department are proud to serve the citizens of Buena Vista.
Feel free to check back here often for news and updates. Also, be sure to follow-us on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/BVPD81211
Currently on this page, we're focusing on information related to the building of the new police station. You can click on some of the links to your right for details about this, as well as find some other useful information about the Buena Vista Police Department. You can also click onContinue reading
Thank you for visiting the My-BV Police Department page. The men and women of the Buena Vista Police Department are proud to serve the citizens of Buena Vista.
Feel free to check back here often for news and updates. Also, be sure to follow-us on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/BVPD81211
Currently on this page, we're focusing on information related to the building of the new police station. You can click on some of the links to your right for details about this, as well as find some other useful information about the Buena Vista Police Department. You can also click on the "News Feed" section below to learn more about this project. To comment, ask questions, and receive updates, be sure to register for My-BV via the link on the right. We look forward to hearing from you.
Dean Morgan,
Chief of Police
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Phone 7195811054 Email jteipel@buenavistaco.gov -
Phone 7193958654 Email dmorgan@buenavistaco.gov
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New PD Project Timeline
Facility Needs Assessment
Buena Vista Police Department has finished this stageThe Town engaged Wold Architecture in late 2019 to conduct a thorough facilities needs assessment for the police and fire stations, as well as Town Hall. Needs assessments are a critical first step to defining the current facility deficiencies as well as what is actually needed for a new (or remodeled) facility!
Request for Proposals for Design Team - Summer/Fall 2021
Buena Vista Police Department has finished this stageWe had four excellent architect and engineer teams submit proposals in response to our RFP - we have proudly selected Reilly Johnson Architects as the lead firm. They will use BCER as the primary engineer firm with others jumping in as needed.
Finalize direction - remodel or new build?
Buena Vista Police Department has finished this stageToday is a crucial time. We are working with our design team to analyze a potential remodel opportunity. As soon as we have confidence that a remodel will save the Town money and time, we'll be moving into design full steam ahead!
Design - Fall 2021 thru Summer 2022
Buena Vista Police Department is currently at this stageCheck back on this page often for more opportunities to provide input into this process! The design team and Town staff will be working hard to not only design the police station, but also secure as much grant funding as possible to defray costs.
Construction - Summer 2022 - Spring 2023
this is an upcoming stage for Buena Vista Police DepartmentThe strong preference of Town right now is the purchase and remodel of an existing building instead of building new. Should this preference be successful, construction timelines will be greatly shortened!
Mission, Chief's Values, and Vision
It is the mission of the Buena Vista Police Department to ceaselessly pursue criminals, suppress and prevent crime, apprehend offenders, protect lives and property, and maintain order. Our mandate is to do so by being fair, firm, and impartial, to always speak truth, and to act with faith, strength, and honor.
Fidem vis et honor ad finem or “Faith, strength, and honor, until the end.”
Chief's Values
Being the values of a given chief of police. These are the foundations of our Mission, Vision, and Motto, and those qualities the chief needs to personally exemplify, and those qualities he or she expects from his or her officers. This is a code of honor, and should be considered often and taken seriously.
- Faith: Keeping faith with our community and each other. This means being true to the Law Enforcement Code of Ethics and our Mission. This means holding ourselves to a higher standard, and a recognition and respect for the authority that comes with our badge, that “to whom much is given, much is expected.” In good faith, police supervisors will model servant leadership, and officers will reflect this model as public servants. We will not abuse our authority, cases will be investigated thoroughly and properly, and we will conduct ourselves with integrity, on and off duty.
- Strength: Courage in the performance of our duties despite personal danger, animosity, adversity, or ridicule. A willingness and readiness to place ourselves between citizens and harm, with zero tolerance for cowardice. Holding ourselves to high standards of professionalism, that includes physical and mental fortitude so we can excel at the performance of our duties, and maintaining peak physical condition and proficiency in our skills.
- Honor: Treating all with dignity and respect by recognizing both the statutory and judicial limitations of police authority as well as the constitutional rights of all persons. We will respect the traditions of law enforcement and the legacy of those who came before us, and we will honor the fallen. We will always speak the truth and relentlessly pursue law breakers. We will be hard-working, and diligently about the duties for which we are paid. We will love justice, be role-models, and conduct ourselves with humility by putting our citizen’s well-being and safety before our own. We acknowledge that we derive our legal authority from the citizens. We will hold each other accountable to these standards, and not become like the lawless.
- Until the End: Fidelis ad mortem… “faithful unto death.” We will not fear death, and officers are hired with an understanding that they may be called on to lay down their lives for those we’re sworn to protect. The gravitas of these values is that we are true to them, even unto death. As such, our oath and values are sacred and should be considered often. Those that cannot maintain fidelity to these oaths and values will not be hired into our ranks, and cannot maintain brotherhood or sisterhood within our ranks.
Maintain and enhance the confidence and trust of the people we serve. Strengthen and expand the partnerships between the police and the community. Maximize community participation in identifying problems, developing solutions, and establishing relevant Department priorities and policies. Effectively resolve problems of our community while protecting life and property.
New Training Facility Needs
Colorado police officer certifications are regulated by POST, or Police Officer Standards and Training. POST has numerous continuing training requirements for police officers, and officers must meet these yearly standards and requirements to maintain their certifications. Standards include certain non-perishable skill trainings, such as Anti-Bias in Policing, as well as perishable skills training, to include Firearms, Arrest Control, and Driving. With our current facilities, our officers have consistently lacked proper space to conduct these mandated trainings. The pictures below show us engaging in our arrest control training, which includes defensive tactics and ground fighting. We've often had to do these trainings outside, which is not an ideal or safe environment to practice some of these skill sets, as it exposes officers to injury. We've also relied on the good graces of the Buena Vista High School and High Elevation Wrestling in Nathrop to utilize their mats for some of these trainings. We also lack a good area for classroom trainings. With a new facility, we hope to incorporate training areas where we have the space to place wrestling mats to help us facilitate these required trainings, and a bigger classroom area with dedicated materials to help our officers maintain and improve their skillsets as we strive for excellence.