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Rodeo Grounds Visioning Survey

This survey is now closed - we received 274 responses during the three weeks it was open! See full results and a summary in the Documents section on the right, and come to the January 20th public open house to learn more about how the responses have shaped the master planning vision!

In the 1880s, water was diverted from Cottonwood Creek to begin irrigating the Chicago Ranch site. In 2020, Triview Metropolitan District (TMD) purchased this parcel with the intention of returning the water flow back into Cottonwood Creek, have it flow through Buena Vista, and down the Arkansas River. After reaching Pueblo the water will flow North through a pipeline, through Colorado Springs, and ultimately be utilized by residents of the TMD located near Monument, Colorado. 

Read a few Frequently Asked Questions here!

Triview’s acquisition of the property provides a unique opportunity for expansion of open space and recreation opportunities not just for Chicago Ranch, but the town-owned Rodeo Grounds parcel to the north. The Town of Buena Vista invites the community to participate in shaping the future of the Rodeo Grounds and Chicago Ranch. These two parcels, collectively over 600 acres, provide a chance to re-envision this historic property and well-used open space to best serve the Buena Vista community. This collaborative planning process is highly dependent on public input, and we encourage you to provide your feedback through the following survey.