History Lives Here

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Welcome! This page is managed by the Town of Buena Vista's Historic Preservation Commission - a formal advisory committee to the Board of Trustees started in 2015.

What is the Buena Vista Historic Preservation Commission?

We are a group of local residents who care about the town’s history and the places that make BV special.

What does the Buena Vista Historic Preservation Commission do?

We focus on ways to protect, promote, and advocate for BV’s history and special places. We want to make sure our community retains its unique character instead of becoming “Anytown, USA.”

Oh, so you are only interested in the past?

We believe in a balance between the new and old. Telling our stories and protecting the most important historic buildings gives BV its special character. The historic preservation commission has developed specific guidance to encourage sensitive new development that respects the appearance, materials, and orientation of the existing historic buildings on Main Street.

Why should I care?

Our history makes BV special. Telling our stories to others and protecting the associated places allows everyone to appreciate BV even more. Historic preservation gives the town another important dimension and shows we honor our heritage.

Welcome! This page is managed by the Town of Buena Vista's Historic Preservation Commission - a formal advisory committee to the Board of Trustees started in 2015.

What is the Buena Vista Historic Preservation Commission?

We are a group of local residents who care about the town’s history and the places that make BV special.

What does the Buena Vista Historic Preservation Commission do?

We focus on ways to protect, promote, and advocate for BV’s history and special places. We want to make sure our community retains its unique character instead of becoming “Anytown, USA.”

Oh, so you are only interested in the past?

We believe in a balance between the new and old. Telling our stories and protecting the most important historic buildings gives BV its special character. The historic preservation commission has developed specific guidance to encourage sensitive new development that respects the appearance, materials, and orientation of the existing historic buildings on Main Street.

Why should I care?

Our history makes BV special. Telling our stories to others and protecting the associated places allows everyone to appreciate BV even more. Historic preservation gives the town another important dimension and shows we honor our heritage.

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  • Share Hi, I am the owner of a historic home two blocks from Main St. at 304 S. Colorado Ave. Do you have any resources for me to find out more information about the home's history? I know that it was constructed in 1899 but I'm hoping to learn more. Thank you, Katie Connolly on Facebook Share Hi, I am the owner of a historic home two blocks from Main St. at 304 S. Colorado Ave. Do you have any resources for me to find out more information about the home's history? I know that it was constructed in 1899 but I'm hoping to learn more. Thank you, Katie Connolly on Twitter Share Hi, I am the owner of a historic home two blocks from Main St. at 304 S. Colorado Ave. Do you have any resources for me to find out more information about the home's history? I know that it was constructed in 1899 but I'm hoping to learn more. Thank you, Katie Connolly on Linkedin Email Hi, I am the owner of a historic home two blocks from Main St. at 304 S. Colorado Ave. Do you have any resources for me to find out more information about the home's history? I know that it was constructed in 1899 but I'm hoping to learn more. Thank you, Katie Connolly link

    Hi, I am the owner of a historic home two blocks from Main St. at 304 S. Colorado Ave. Do you have any resources for me to find out more information about the home's history? I know that it was constructed in 1899 but I'm hoping to learn more. Thank you, Katie Connolly

    KatieConnolly asked about 1 year ago
    Thank you so much for reaching out to us. We'd love to meet with you in person. We're very familiar with your property & we'd love to share this information with you.

    We meet monthly, the first Thursday of each month, at 3 pm. We address any questions or comments from the public at the beginning of each meeting, so you don't need to stay for the entire time. As a group, we can offer you the most amount of information for your property. Please contact us to verify the location of this monthly meeting. Sometimes we meet at the airport building, second floor, sometimes we meet at the community center, depending on the availability of these locations. 

    We've also been meeting each Thursday this month of May, at the Buena Vista Roastery at 9 am, for informal meetings with the public. We're buying the coffee & guests bring the questions.  

    If you cannot attend any of these meetings or if you would still like to contact us in person, please leave a message with Chase McCutcheon, Planning Technician, with the Town of Buena Vista. 
Page last updated: 06 Mar 2023, 09:17 AM