What is a Comp Plan??

    Comprehensive Plans are foundational planning and visioning documents used by (and required by state law) almost all municipalities and jurisdictions. They generally are meant to last 5 to10 years and are used to guide all sorts of decisions by the Board of Trustees, Town staff, and outside funders and organizations. 

    A good comp plan should cast a vision and goals for the most important topics and issues facing the town. It should get at the question of 'where are we going and why?', and should be rooted in a holistic and in-depth community engagement process. 

    Want to dive in more on comp plans? Check out this website

    How is the Comp Plan used?

    Comp plans are the primary basis of decision-making for elected officials, staff, advisory boards and commissions, and funders who are considering funding public projects. This document is quoted as justification for compliance or non-compliance of certain types of land use applications and reviews. 

    Comp plans often address the most pressing challenges and priorities of the community by casting a vision for what needs to happen, then articulating goals, policies, and actions that should be pursued to reach that vision. These policies and actions then inform budget-making priorities, composition of advisory boards, and so on. 

    Why should I get involved?

    The answer to this is quite simple: if you're not involved and your voice isn't heard during this comp plan update process, then the comp plan itself won't have a chance to reflect your vision and priorities for the town. 

    We need to hear from you!

    How can I participate?

    There are a variety of ways you can participate in this process, listed here below starting with the easiest ones that will take the least amount of your time. 

    • Follow this my-BV project page to get notifications on updates and new surveys, documents, or announcements. (click on the "Subscribe" button above)
    • Read the current (2015) comp plan
    • Attend the November 30th launch meeting - see details in the Key Dates module below
    • Complete every survey we launch at each phase of the planning process
    • Attend future meetings or focus groups
    • Volunteer to be a Community Champion (see FAQ below for more details)

    What is a Community Champion?

    A Community Champion is a volunteer who signs up to lend their time to both learn about comp plans, as well as conduct specific outreach activities in coordination with Town staff. 

    We're looking for 5-15 Champions to partner with us from February thru the end of the planning process (probably September/October 2023). This group of folks can expect to attend regular meetings to gain a deeper understanding of how the comp plan process is going. In addition, and most importantly, these Champions will help deepen and expand the number of people in the community who are aware of and who participate in the comp plan by hosting house parties, focus groups, spreading the word on social media, and even going door-to-door with surveys or invitations (or any other strategies we can think of together!). 

    The foundation of this idea is that YOU as a community member are the best resource we have to build trust and participation in the comp planning process. 

    If you're interested in learning more please contact Planning Director Joseph Teipel at 719-581-1054 or jteipel@buenavistaco.gov.

    PHase 3
